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Le deal à ne pas rater :
LEGO Icons 10331 – Le martin-pêcheur
35 €
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l'équipe administrative ★ we rule the game.

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INYRIS knows everything

INYRIS knows everything

› PSEUDO : inyris.
› AVATAR : Meghan Ory, la fabuleuse.

l'équipe administrative ★ we rule the game. Empty
MessageSujet: l'équipe administrative ★ we rule the game. l'équipe administrative ★ we rule the game. EmptySam 30 Mar - 15:50

the dream team of hotn
les chefs en titre du forum, respect


pseudo, prénom âge occupation un mot pour te décrire
love plays with you, she plays with you + sometimes, words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. love is a cycle : when you love, you get hurt. when you get hurt, you hate. when you hate, you try to forgert. when you try to forget, you star missing. and when you start missing, you'll eneventually fall in love again. i don't want her u know, i want you. you want me, i want you. let's be together. time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life

shivered., émilie eighteen incarcérée au lycée patience
love plays with you, she plays with you + sometimes, words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. love is a cycle : when you love, you get hurt. when you get hurt, you hate. when you hate, you try to forgert. when you try to forget, you star missing. and when you start missing, you'll eneventually fall in love again. i don't want her u know, i want you. you want me, i want you. let's be together. time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life


blue bird

pseudo, prénom âge occupation un mot pour te décrire
love plays with you, she plays with you + sometimes, words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. love is a cycle : when you love, you get hurt. when you get hurt, you hate. when you hate, you try to forgert. when you try to forget, you star missing. and when you start missing, you'll eneventually fall in love again. i don't want her u know, i want you. you want me, i want you. let's be together. time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life

pseudo, prénom âge occupation un mot pour te décrire
love plays with you, she plays with you + sometimes, words are not enough to make someone feel that you care for them. love is a cycle : when you love, you get hurt. when you get hurt, you hate. when you hate, you try to forgert. when you try to forget, you star missing. and when you start missing, you'll eneventually fall in love again. i don't want her u know, i want you. you want me, i want you. let's be together. time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life


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l'équipe administrative ★ we rule the game.

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